
I guess I'm a Twilight fanatic right now. Totally addicted to it. I'm halfway through reading the book on my wac. Haven't been addicted to something like this for quite awhile. Whee~



Last farewell.


It was our last farewell to popo. It was her 48th day, one day before she's officially gone. We had a grand affair that day. Huge paper house, paper car, paper chauffeur, paper telephone, paper maids, paper tv, paper dvd sets, paper electric fan, paper safe, and of course, lots and lots of paper money.

I've tried my best to fold as much money offerings as I can. Well, hopefully those can last her for quite awhile. To what extend do you believe in these stuff? Maybe sometimes it's better to believe. Who knows if the other world is the same as here? Or does it even exist? I've also been wanting to know and am really curious about this. Secretly, I wish that popo or my uncle can appear in my dream and tell me what is it like over there. But as I grow up, I've given up. I wished that this would happen when my uncle passed away when I was Pri 3 or 4. And nope, it didnt. This time round I hoped that popo will come back to visit me. But she didn't either. Was I sleeping too soundly? I wonder.

Can someone tell me tell me where do we go when we die? Can someone tell me if the dead can really receive the offerings that we give? I guess none of you can answer the questions.

Anyways, all the prayers were done. Things are set. Live on.



Counting down- exactly 2 months

8 December 2008. Exactly 2 months before I leave for studies. It took me a whole lot of courage to break the news to my boss. Man, I'm guilt ridden. Anyone wants to take over me as a PM?

Sigh. I'm still in the midst of prepping for my trip.
1) Visa - done
2) Air ticket - bought
3) Accommodation - still pending

I'm afraid of changes. New environment, new friends, new school, new house, new weather.... everything will be new. I'm regretting a little. 1.5years. It's gonna be fast, like a blink of an eye... hopefully.

Will I miss production? Will I want to be back in production? Seriously, I have no idea. dang.

There are much more stuff for me to worry of. Need to buy lots of things, pack lots of things. Maybe I should write up a checklist. Oh, and yes. I need to meet up with my friends more often! *grins.

Yi Ting's checklist

1) Bolster - jean said that aussie bolster costs 30 bucks!
2) Backpack
3) Lots and lots of beauty products (face shop facial cleanser, sunblock, powder, bbcream, masks, moisturizer, eye cream etc.)
4) A better camera / a new phone
5) Airtight bags
6) Cardboard boxes

I'm all occupied.
